Power Table with three dropdowns

Is it possible to have the dropdown in each row be different, based on a column value for that row?

Yes, there are a number of different ways to do it. Here’s one:

In configureCell:

from javax.swing import JComboBox
	# define the options for the comboboxes
	options1 = ['OFF', 'Hand', 'Auto'] 
	options2 = ['OFF', 'ON']
	data = {}
	if colName == 'col3':
		# get the value to determine what combobox to show		
		col1 = self.data.getValueAt(rowIndex,1)
		# create the combobox
		if col1 == 'Options1':
			options = options1
			options = options2

		index = options.index(value)

		# create the combobox	
		cb = JComboBox(options)		
		data['renderer'] = cb 

	return data

In configureEditor:

from javax.swing import AbstractCellEditor,JComboBox, JTextField
	from javax.swing.table import TableCellEditor
	from java.awt.event import ItemListener, ItemEvent

	# define the options for the comboboxes	
	options1 = ['OFF', 'Hand', 'Auto'] 
	options2 = ['OFF', 'ON']
	# used to listen to item change events in the combobox
	class MyItemListener(ItemListener):
		# Constructor
		def __init__(self, table, value, rowIndex, colIndex):
			self.table = table
			self.rowIndex = rowIndex
			self.colIndex = colIndex
			self.value = value
			optionType = self.table.data.getValueAt(rowIndex, 1)
			if optionType == 'Options1':
				self.options = options1
				self.options = options2
		# this is fired when the combobox changes
		def itemStateChanged(self, event):
			if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED):
				newValue = event.getItem()
				# create a new dataset with the updated value					
				newDS = system.dataset.setValue(self.table.data, self.rowIndex, self.colIndex, newValue)
				# write back to the source property
				# update this to whereever your master data is
				self.data = newDS

	class myTableCellEditor(TableCellEditor, AbstractCellEditor):	
		def __init__(self, tableComponent):
			self.table = tableComponent
			self.editor = None
			self.options = None
		def getTableCellEditorComponent(self, table, value, isSelected, rowIndex, colIndex):
			col1 = self.table.data.getValueAt(rowIndex,1)
			# defind the options for the drop down
			if col1 == 'Options1':
				self.options = options1
				self.options = options2

			# create a combo box with the options
			self.editor = JComboBox(self.options)
			index = self.options.index(value)
			# add an Item changed listener
			self.editor.addItemListener(MyItemListener(self.table, value, rowIndex, colIndex))

			return self.editor
		def getCellEditorValue(self):

			# is the editor a combobox?
			if type(self.editor) is JComboBox:
				# get the combobox value
				newValue = self.editor.getSelectedItem()
				# convert back to the options value
				#newValue = self.options[selectedValue]
				# get the text field value
				newValue = self.editor.getText()
			return newValue

	if colName == "col3":
		m = myTableCellEditor(self)
		return {"editor":m}

In onCellEdited:

if colName == 'col3':
		self.data = system.dataset.setValue(self.data, rowIndex, colIndex, newValue)

This uses a column type of String that is set to Editable.

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