Prespective UDT and Bindings

I think it would be worth rearchitecting per @nminchin's recommendation:

With this method, you pass in a single parameter, which is a string containing the tag path to your UDT instance, and then you create indirect bindings inside of your view based on that single input parameter.
There are several examples scattered throughout this forum. For convenience, here's a link to mine from the other day:

This input parameter can be configured quickly in your dropConfig of the widget (embedded view) that you are creating. Something resembling:

Example dropConfig:
  "udts": [
      "type": "Your/UDT_Type/Here",
      "param": "udtPath",
      "action": "path"
  "dataTypes": []

Under params of that same view, you'll need to create an input param called udtPath (or, match the value of 'param' in example dropConfig code above). Then, create a few view.custom properties which bind to actual tags (and UDT parameters) via indirect tag bindings - only bring in the data that you need, not the entire UDT.

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