Python book recommendation quick 2023 01 05 2hr window

For reference for someone who is used to programming up to speed on python 2 (am I allowed to say up to speed on something that is end of life?) or any language with a quick tutorial I am a fan of

For python 2 that is Learn Python 2 (legacy) in Y Minutes

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I like to watch the ArjanCodes videos, but I can't tell when he is teaching Python 2 or 3 for example.
Not sure how to get the name of a function. I think it is like ._name_

Is there already a plan in place for when we will have to switch to 3?
What is the time frame on that?
Then also, what is the timing we would expect another Python version?

That learnxinyminutes site is great. Thanks @bkarabinchak.psi

The easiest way to tell if something is python 2/3 is if there is a print statement

print 'hi im python2'
print('hi im python3')

Remember, we're using jython, which is currently on 2.7.2 python syntax. I think there is a roadmap to jython 3 (so you would be using python 3 syntax) but I wouldn't hold my breath on that being done any time soon. Not to mention jython even if it got to 3, is still just a scripting language built by an open source community and could face some of the same issues that we currently see (issues with the internal jython libraries like requests) where it would still be preferable to use Ignition's system functions directly.

Yea that site is my goto reference if I need a refresher on something.