Report timeseries chart: issue to show raw values

This has nothing to do with reporting. You are mis-using the historian. It isn't designed to correlate your "batch active" tag with any other tag. Or any tag with any other tag. It has no way to query your tags with conditions from other tags.

The best you can do with the historian is to query in two layers: first query "batch active" to find the time boundaries of your batches, then repeatedly query your other tags for each time span. Reporting has no tool to do this for you, but you can use a report script to construct it. See this topic if you must use this route:

But the proper solution would be to use transaction groups to record into a conventional database table using your batch active tag as a trigger. Include the other desired data as columns in that transaction group. Then you can use conventional queries to access the data for your report.

{ One other note: the historian's "wide" return format is incompatible with "as stored" results. Use tall format. }