Huh. Well, you're going to have a rough time doing anything about this as an end user. If it's really bugging you, you could probably adapt the technique here:
A typical text shape in an unstructured row looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<text x="219" y="144" width="196" height="34.776">
A 'sticky' text shape after you set the row structured looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<text x="150" y="105" width="79" height="19.958" asize="--~,--~">
<stroke type="border" />
<format type="date" pattern="MMM d, y" null-string="<N/A>" />
<format type="number" pattern="#0.##" null-string="<N/A>" />
Note that asize="--~,--~"
block. That's the critical bit. The autosizing
parameter is defined elsewhere as:
Returns the autosizing settings as a string with hyphens for struts and tilde for springs (horiz,vert).
So, uhh, yeah. If you really want it fixed anytime soon, you could borrow the technique I used in that other post to duplicate the text shape XML, add the auto size key you want, and put it back on the clipboard to be pasted back in.
I won't say that this isn't a bug, per se, but it's also just strange behavior, and I'll be honest, I doubt anyone else has ever noticed it to complain.