SQL Express 2005 database connection ideas?

Thank you so much for the extra trouble with the screenshots. I hadn't found any reference to jTDS in my previous searches and, if I had, I'm not sure that I could have worked out the configuration. It's also the first time I've set up a driver and so your HTML prompts are useful too. For anyone wanting the text to cut and paste in:

Property Value
Classname net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
URL format jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://hostname
Connection property instructions Use <i>databaseName=YOUR_DATABASE</i> to specify the database to connect to.

URL instructions (tricky to post in the table above):

With the three parameters (in bold) 
<ul style="list-style-type:none;margin-left:10px;">
<li><b>host</b>: The host name or IP address of the database server.
</li><li> <b>instanceName</b>: (optional) the instance to connect to on the host. 
If not specified, a connection to the default instance is made.</li>
<li> <b>port</b>: (optional) the port to connect to. The default is <b>1433</b>. If you are using the default, you can omit the port and the preceding ':'.</li></ul><br/>
For SQL Server, you specify the <i>database name</i> to connect to using the <code>databaseName</code> property in the <i>Extra Connection Properties</i>.

I am also relieved that I have a separate driver for the older database connections and the drivers should survive an Ignition upgrade (whereas some of the other suggested fixes to the security file get overwritten on each Ignition upgrade).

Thanks again.