SQL Server Connection Faulted

This started with version 10.2 of Microsoft's JDBC Driver. You can also add trustServerCertificate=true or set up an SSL Certificate on the SQL Server Instance. The TLS v1.0 and v1.1 Microsoft SQL Server Database connection issue article has been updated to include that information. For anyone running into the TLS issue, I would suggest verifying your database version just doesn't support TLS v1.2 before re-enabling the older versions. In a lot of cases the only change that's needed is to upgrade the JDBC driver which is also mentioned and explained in the article.

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with Ignition 8.1.27 I edited the java.security file (in the ignition folder, not the old Java folder) the same way that Kraenbring shows. Then restarted the gateway using gwcmd. I did some other stuff, and now not exactly sure what all I did to get it going, but now i have "Valid" connection to my MSSQL. Thanks @pturmel

Hopefully this is just a temporary measure until you've upgraded whatever ancient version of MSSQL you're connecting to :crossed_fingers:


Thank You, This worked for me too.
I'm upgrating between 7.9 to 8.1.31 Ignition's versions and had been the same trouble. First, I changed the Allows control over the file java.security for delete the "TLSv1, TLSv1.1" sentences.

Second, I update the version of the JDBC controller (mssql-jdbc-12.4.0.jre11) following these prompts Releases · microsoft/mssql-jdbc · GitHub JDBC Drivers and Translators - Ignition User Manual 8.0 - Ignition Documentation Finally, I verify the Database Connections on the gateway and It was on Valid status

This helped a lot but I could not get the Option 1, the more Secure way, ff doing this for MSSQL. I downloaded the newest version yesterday and my version of ignition is from last week download.

I had to use Option 2 and go to the java.security file and delete the TLSv1, TLSv1.1 text, save, then stop and restart ignition.

The highlighted section below is what I deleted to get it to connect.

Also, the information for option 1 from Microsoft does seem to deal with the PoolableConnectionFactory ignition issue, or I might have missed.

If anyone has a Step by step for the step 1 option please let me know. I want to make a video on that process for co-workers. I rather be more secure than use option two but my work is not for a client.