System.mongodb calls fail despite having the connector installed and status Valid

Strangely enough if I return dir(MyScripts), from handleMessage(), it leads with a list of all of the objects at the same level -- namely my other Project Library contents. I would have expected it to return only the fuctions within the MyScripts library. The object seems to have been injected with references to its peers somehow.

return getattr(someLibraryScript, payload.pop('functionNameKey'))(payload)

This is an improvement, an intermediate solution. It would let me abstract into a given library without access to every library (except for the apparent knowledge of its neighbors?).

You are importing them, I presume. Don't do that.

Every name you create at the top level of a library script is in that script's globals() dictionary. Whether you assign it, def a function, declare a class, or import from elsewhere.

The the library MyScripts only has import socket and import sys and only within defined functions.

No assignments?

Nope, that library is mostly full of helper methods that I am using to tinker, like "send_tcp".