system.tag.queryTagHistory not updating the data and bring duplicate or same value for last result

Not certain if this is contributing to what you are seeing or not, but it is definitely not correct.

  1. 'true' is not the boolean value True.
  2. You're using both returnSize and intervalMinutes, yes there are 96 - 15min intervals in 24 hours, but you only need to use one of these. Personally I think intervalMinutes is more readable
  3. Your columnName list has to be a 1-1 match with the tagPaths, since 'Timestamp' isn't one of the tagPaths that you are providing then it shouldn't be included in the list.

Your definition of the columnName list should look like:

columnName = ['Well 4A m3','Well 9 m3','Well 12 m3','Well 15 m3','Well 17 m3']

Your call to system.tag.queryTagHistory() should look like:

dataSet = system.tag.queryTagHistory(paths=TagPaths, startDate=startTime, endDate=endTime, aggregationMode=LastValue, returnFormat='Wide', ignoreBadQuality = True, columnNames=columnName, intervalMinutes =15 ) 

As an aside, if you want to print a dataset and see the contents, then you can use this helper script provided by @JordanCClark . It is quite handy.