System.tag.querytaghistory return error

I think that the binding without the transform is the correct way to do this. You have to set it up first though. I will assume that you already have properties for Parameter_1 and Parameter_2.

  1. Add a custom prop to the view or coponent that this binding will be on. It must be an Array type.
  2. Add an array element of object type for each tag that you want to collect history for. For this example I’m assuming only 1 tag.
  3. Add three values to each array element they must be named ‘aggregate’, `alias’, and ‘path’.
  4. Set the aggregate to ‘maximum’, and the ‘alias’ to whatever you want, I wet with ‘passengers’, if you leave the alias blank the tag path will be used.
  5. Configure an expression binding on the path with the following expression. Note that the path to your parameters is probably different. Use the property selector to get the correct path.
'[default]P176/Passengers/Location_' + {this.custom.Parameter_1} + '_Unit_' + {this.custom.Parameter_2} + '/passengers'

The completed custom property should now look like this:

  1. In the expression section of the Tag History Binding select the custom prop that we just created.