Tag history difference over interval

With the help of @JordanCClark (thanks, didn’t know about zip), I ended up with the below script. It will take a history tag (integer, float, double) and find the difference over hour intervals between a start and end date. Any value over 0 will be counted. You can rollover at any time, although your process may deem it necessary to only rollover if you aren’t running. You can then use this is a bar chart, for example, to show counts per hour over time. If the tag doesn’t exist, it should just return zeros, not throw an error. I tested with some fairly large sets and it seems to work very well.

#Takes an integer or float tag and returns an accumulated value for each hour within the start/end dates
def hourInterval(tagPath, startDate, endDate):
	# Parse Start & End Dates - Attempts to parse a string and create a Date
	current = start = system.date.parse(startDate,'yyyy-MM-dd HH')
	end = system.date.addHours(system.date.parse(endDate,'yyyy-MM-dd HH'), 1)
	#Get data from tag history
	result = system.tag.queryTagHistory(
			paths = [tagPath],
			startDate = start,
			endDate = end,
			aggregationMode = 'MinMax',
			ignoreBadQuality = True,
			timeout = 10000,
			returnSize = 0 #Natural
	dataHeaders = ['t_stamp', 'value']
	data = [[system.date.parse(result.getValueAt(row,0)), result.getValueAt(row,1)] for row in range(result.rowCount)]
	if result.rowCount <=0: #if no data, create at least one row
	dataSet = system.dataset.toDataSet(dataHeaders, data)
	# Convert to get a PyDataSet.	
	pyData = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(dataSet)
	# Create a dictionary with all the hourly times as keys
	timeDict = {}
	while system.date.isBefore(current, end):
		timeDict[current] = 0
		current = system.date.addHours(current, 1)
	# Get first row of the dataset:
	if len(pyData) > 0:
		date, value = list(pyData[0])
		# Set minutes and seconds to zero
		# Iterate through the rest of the rows.
		# With a PyDataSet we can use a slice to start at the second row
		# With zip, we can now iterate through the sliced dataset and the original at the same time.
		for row, prevRow in zip(pyData[1:], pyData):
			# Get dates and values for the current and previous rows,
			# then set minutes and seconds to zero.
			date, value = list(row)
			prevDate, prevValue = list(prevRow)
			# update the current hour with difference.
			if value > prevValue:
				timeDict[date] += value - prevValue
			# if value is lower than the previous value, add the full value.
			elif value < prevValue:
				timeDict[date] += value
		# Create and return a dataset created from the time dictionary.
		headers = list(pyData.getColumnNames())
		dataOut = [[system.date.format(time, 'MM-dd HH:00'), float(timeDict[time])] for time in sorted(timeDict.keys())]
		return system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, dataOut)