Time format on Easy Chart X-axis and X-Trace

@justinedwards.jle pointed me toward a similar script that's closer to what you're looking for @LenRem1. Code as follows:

def configureChart(self, chart):
	from java.text import SimpleDateFormat
	from org.jfree.chart.axis import DateAxis
	pureDateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd")
	pureTimeFormat = SimpleDateFormat("h:mm:ss a z")			
	dateAxis = DateAxis()
	plot = chart.getPlot()
	plotField1 = plot.getClass().getDeclaredField('dateFormat')
	plotField2 = plot.getClass().getDeclaredField('timeFormat')
	plotField1.set(plot, pureDateFormat)
	plotField2.set(plot, pureTimeFormat)

With only "" inside the SimpleDateFormat argument (from the first script), the date/time tooltip would be removed. Filling that argument with your desired format should get you there.