UDT Parameter on Perspective view


Sorry for the delayed response as I missed the notification.

I would recommend you loading the resources in the last post of: [Question-Resolved] Perspective Components (Template) and looking at the different methods that I have configured.

I added the Tags that were submitted by the user asking the question to the post so everything is all in one place, and cleaned up issues that might occur if you are using a Realtime provider that is not default. I feel that a functioning example will do you more good than screenshots when all is said and done.

Notes about the views you should be looking at:

  • Main_View: Uses the Embedded Views and has the drop targets working. Also has some notes of where to look in the designer to see relevant information. All items should display values and there shouldn’t be bad bindings.
  • Shape_Template2: Uses Parameter Bindings. Note that the values will not display until dropped into a different view as you can’t get the .jsonValues binding to occur in the view you are building. See MainView.root.EmbeddedView.params.instance_number to understand how this holds together.
  • Shape_Template3`: Uses Indirect Bindings. Hopefully things make sense as all bindings are indirect to the path that is passed in. All items should display values and there shouldn’t be bad bindings.


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