UDT Parameter on Perspective view

To do this you will do the following:

  1. Create a new view that will be used as a drop target for your UDT. This would be similar to a template in vision.
  2. In the View, there is a dropConfig.udts property. You will configure this in the following way:
  • type: The name of the UDT Definition
  • param: A value you select that will be defined in the PARAMS area of the view later on
  • action: For property binding purposes, use bind. For indirect tag bindings, use path
  1. In the View PARAMS area, add a new Object with the key equaling the name you defined in dropConfig.udts.param

  2. In the view you just setup, add components you wish to bind the UDT members to.

    If you are using Property Bindings (Read Only), you will add a property binding to the parameter you just created in step 3 adding a .<UDT Member Name> to the end. e.g. view.params.<PARAM>.<MEMBER>

    If you are using Indirect Bindings to allow for bi-directional writes, you will add a tag binding (Indirect) and set the tag path to use the parameter in step 3 adding a /<UDT Member Name> to the end. e.g. {PARAM}/<UDT Member Name>.

    As of 8.0.6, spaces are not supported for UDT member names within UDT bindings in Perspective.

  3. Create another view

  4. Drag a UDT instance onto the view and you should be provided the View Name that you linked the UDT to. Click it to drop an embedded view component onto this view that is bound to the UDT.

At this point you will see params show up in the property editor with the Bound UDT values. If you have any bindings that aren’t working, this is where you can confirm the name used as a key. You would adjust the settings in the primary view and then confirm they took in the view that it is embedded in.
