UDT Parameter on Perspective view


Re-reading step 4 I can understand why it is confusing. It can be better worded like:

In the view you just setup, add components you wish to bind the UDT members to. You will add a property binding to the parameter you just created in step 3 adding a `.<UDT Member Name>` to the end. e.g. `view.params.<PARAM>.<MEMBER>`
As of 8.0.6, spaces are not supported for UDT member names within UDT bindings in Perspective.  

An Example:
I have a UDT Definition of UDT_Def with a member named Member1.

  • In step 2, I set a param value of udt_binding.
  • In step 3, I create a param named udt_binding for the embedded view.
  • In step 4, I add a Label component to the View and setup a Property binding on props.text to view.params.udt_binding.Member1

You may want to check out the this post and some of the discussion leading up to it:
[Question-Resolved] Perspective Components (Template).

It has examples and screenshots that might further assist learning this concept for Perspective.


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