Understanding Tag Historian Timestamps in PostgreSQL

For comparison, here is an example showing how to query and review similar data using the Script Console (Designer) and the system.tag.queryTagHistory function.

myTagPaths = [ '[default]Station Power/Station 4/PM-04-04/Energy' ]
myColumnNames =  [ 'PM-04-04' ]
myEndDateTime = system.date.parse("2022-08-03 00:00:00", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
myStartDateTime = system.date.addHours(myEndDateTime, -24)

print myEndDateTime
print myStartDateTime

def printDataSet(datasetIn):
	# Get Row and Column counts
	nrows = datasetIn.getRowCount()
	ncols = datasetIn.getColumnCount()
	# Get max length of row labels
	rowLen = len(max(['row']+[unicode(i) for i in range(nrows)], key=len))
	# Get column names
	colNames = datasetIn.getColumnNames()
	# initialize lists to process columns
	headerList = []
	colData = []
	maxLen = []
	# Process columns
	for i, col in zip(range(ncols), colNames):
		# Get column as list, converting all elemenst to unicode strings
		colIn = ([unicode(element) for element in list(datasetIn.getColumnAsList(i))])
		# Get max lentgh of the column, including the column name
		maxLen = len(max([col]+colIn, key=len))
		# Append data as left justified strings.
		# ljust() will automatically pad to the max string length
		colData.append([element.ljust(maxLen) for element in colIn])
		# Append column name, also using the max string length
	# Concatenate the header string and print it.
	headerString= 'row'.ljust(rowLen) + ' | ' + ' | '.join(headerList)
	print headerString
	# Print a bunch of dashes the same length as the header string
	print'-' * len(headerString)
	# Print the rows
	for row in enumerate(zip(*colData)):
		print unicode(row[0]).ljust(rowLen) + ' | ' + ' | '.join(row[1])
data = system.tag.queryTagHistory(
	, startDate=myStartDateTime
	, endDate=myEndDateTime
#	, returnSize = 0
#	, aggregationMode="LastValue"
#	, returnFormat
	, columnNames=myColumnNames
#	, intervalHours
#	, intervalMinutes
#	, rangeHours
#	, rangeMinutes
#	, aggregationModes
#	, includeBoundingValues=1
#	, validateSCExec
	, noInterpolation=1 # prevent the return of rows that are interpolated
#	, ignoreBadQuality
	, timeout = 10000
#	, intervalSeconds
#	, rangeSeconds



Wed Aug 03 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Tue Aug 02 00:00:00 UTC 2022
row | t_stamp                      | PM-04-04     
0   | Tue Aug 02 00:06:17 UTC 2022 | 17.8490009308
1   | Tue Aug 02 01:06:23 UTC 2022 | 18.2940006256
2   | Tue Aug 02 02:06:29 UTC 2022 | 18.7299995422
3   | Tue Aug 02 03:06:33 UTC 2022 | 19.1550006866
4   | Tue Aug 02 04:06:37 UTC 2022 | 19.577999115 
5   | Tue Aug 02 05:06:43 UTC 2022 | 19.9960002899
6   | Tue Aug 02 06:06:49 UTC 2022 | 20.4130001068
7   | Tue Aug 02 07:06:55 UTC 2022 | 20.8269996643
8   | Tue Aug 02 08:07:00 UTC 2022 | 21.2390003204
9   | Tue Aug 02 09:07:06 UTC 2022 | 21.6520004272
10  | Tue Aug 02 10:07:13 UTC 2022 | 22.0620002747

To me this actually seems quite a bit less versatile than querying the database directly but it does have the advantage of transparently handling the history data partitioned across database tables.

There is probably a way, but it is not immediately apparent, how one might use localized time in the query and show localized time in the returned data.

The printDataSet function was lifted from a forum post by @JordanCClark, (thank you).