I don't think you can combine multiple queries request as the Domino won't combine the answers into one reply.
I just tried on my side and it's not working either.
By bigger commands, I was thinking about commands to create a label, which combines multiple fields/commands into one query.
I can see you have a valueChanged script on the Message tag.
We were using that before but we switched to direct TCP send/receive to avoid the lag induced by the tags (we had to do that for another brand of printers that had 1 controller for multiple printing heads and that was missing a label sometimes when multiple labels were sent at the same time).
Anyhow, if you want to have a "direct" answer from your printer, you can use that code :
from java.net import Socket, InetSocketAddress ,ConnectException ,SocketTimeoutException
from java.io import BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, PrintWriter
import time
port = 7000
ESC = '1B'.decode('hex') # Escape
EOT = '04'.decode('hex') # End Of Transmission
ACK = '06'.decode('hex') # Positive acknowledge
NAK = '15'.decode('hex') # Negative acknowledge
def tcpSend(msg ,ip):
socket = Socket()
socket.tcpNoDelay = True
socket.setSoTimeout(5000) # timeout for an answer
socket.connect(InetSocketAddress(ip, port), 2000) # timeout at the socket opening
# input et output streams for the socket
mes2dev = PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), True)
dev2mes = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()))
mes2dev.println(msg) # Send the message
reponse = ''
i = 0
while not dev2mes.ready() and i < 30: # Wait for answer
i += 1
while dev2mes.ready(): # Retrieve answer
c = dev2mes.read()
c_hex = format(c ,'02x').decode('hex')
if c_hex == EOT:
elif c_hex == ACK:
code ,reponse = 200 ,chr(c)
elif c_hex == NAK:
code ,reponse = 406 ,chr(c)
reponse += chr(c)
socket.close() # Close the socket
code ,reponse = 200 ,reponse
except ConnectException: # Timeout at socket opening
code ,reponse = 504 ,None
except SocketTimeoutException: # Timeout at answer
code ,reponse = 504 ,None
except Exception as e:
code ,reponse = 400 ,None
finally: # Just to be sure we are clean at the end
if socket.isConnected():
return code ,reponse
I scraped some code off it but the main part should be here.
Changing to that won't help you with the multi-query command but splitting them won't be that much of an issue with that
tags, w_tags, w_vals = {}, [], []
tags[pathToTagB] = tcpSend(ESC + '1C?' + EOT, printer_ip)[1]
tags[pathToTagC] = tcpSend(ESC + 'y?' + EOT, printer_ip)[1]
for tag, val in tags.iteritems():
system.tag.writeBlocking(w_tags, w_vals)