Using importlib to run any function on the gateway?

The overall idea is fine, though. Just preload all your possible code in the gateway. Pass function name, positional parameters, and keyword parameters through your sendRequest() call.

Say you have script module 'beefyFunctions` set up with all the named functions (which can call other script modules as needed). Create a message handler ‘beefy’ like so:

functionName, args, kwargs = [payload[x] for x in ['functionName', 'args', 'kwargs']]
return getattr(beefyFunctions, functionName)(*args, **kwargs)

Then in a client, you’d do this:

payload = {'functionName': 'somePreloadedFunction', 'args': someArgsTuple, 'kwargs': someArgsDictionary}
result = system.util.sendRequest('myProject', 'beefy', payload)
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