Version 8 32-bit vision clients

This is not supported (ARM) for the Vision Client launcher, nor for Perspective Workstation, nor for the Designer. You should be able to launch with the legacy script, with some massaging.

Back to pursuing a 32 bit legacy client launcher. Massaging, Yes. Just have to figure out how to successfully do that.
In the Legacy Client Launcher Shell:
-I have successfully captured the clientJavaModules.xml from the Gateway using the curl command provided by "kcollins1"
-I have parsed that xml to get a list of modules / packages that the current version of Java requires.
-In the Legacy Client Launcher I see that a new "legacyclient.jar" file is downloaded everytime the legacy client launcher shell is run. I have attempted to add the opens and exports I collected to this .jar file using the --add-opens and --add-exports commands, but get a notification that there is "no main manifest attribute"
-I see that the Bootstrap Loader, triggered by this launcher, connects to the Gateway and downloads a manifest. This makes me think that I should not even be trying to add opens and exports to the clientlauncher.jar file.
Question 1: Where should I be adding these opens and exports? (I feel like I have asked about this before)
Question 2: Can you provide a working example of a linux bash command to accomplish this task?

I appreciate the help,

@Doug_Jones I will be running into this problem soon. Have you been able to update the legacy launcher script?

This may help: Linux java 17 opens and exports - #4 by Kevin.Herron

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