Video player component woes (perspective workstation inadequacy?)

Workstation uses Chromium, which supports a wide variety of video codecs. Unfortunately, support does not mean “for free”. There are various formats (MP4, H.264, AAC, and Widevine - according to our internal ticket) which require a license be purchased through MPEG LA in order for the Workstation browser to allow those formats. If you’re attempting to use those formats in Workstation, I expect you’ll need to contact your sales representative or our support team. You can reference our internal dev ticket which was recently completed in order to support use of these licenses: IGN-2658.

Once you have the license, you will need to supply an additional argument to the JVM and then restart the gateway to use this new JVM property.

This is all information I’ve gleaned from the internal ticket, but it’s not clear why a regular browser works while Chromium (Workstation) does not. It appears that the license we purchased in order to bundle Chromium as part of our own application did not include access to the aforementioned codecs.

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