VPN Or Public Gateway

We created our own “Cellular Private Network”, working with Verizon and special equipment. This network is not part of the global internet but can access internet data such as NTP servers.

Even thought our equipment may be anywhere in the world I can access any device just as if it is on my bench.
The configuration of this network is a bit complicated but once it is up and running it operates flawlessly.

It operates just like a VPN but on a MUCH larger scale.

Super affordable, I would not understand why anybody looking for security and global access to their devices would not use a network such as this!

We have been using this for 6 years now without the first problem.

I have IP cameras, Plc’s, Hmi’s, local wireless mesh system (this just saves me some IP’s), VFD’s, Extended I/O, modems, routers, Etc… I can manage every piece of equipment remotely, I store all of the IP Camera Video locally and can view/review/download clips to any computer that has access rights to do so.

I could go on and on but this covers the basic’s.