Webservices NTLM Auth

After some playing around I was able to setup a basic HTTP GET using Java and supplying NTLM auth.

However, I am finding that I am getting import errors in the Gateway Scope, but not in the Designer scope. I am running the same Java (8.231) on both designer and gateway, is there some odd difference in context of why the below might fail?

# Perform a basic HTTP Get to the provided URL using the NTLM auth in the function
def _httpGetNTLM(url):	
	from org.apache.http.auth import AuthScope
	from org.apache.http.auth import NTCredentials
	from org.apache.http.client.methods import HttpGet
	from org.apache.http.impl.client import DefaultHttpClient
	from org.apache.http.impl.client import BasicResponseHandler
	from org.apache.http.entity import ContentType
	# Setup the client with NTLM Auth
	httpclient = DefaultHttpClient()
	# Define the credentials to use
	creds = NTCredentials("USERNAME", "PASSWORD", system.net.getHostName(), "DOMAINHERE")
	httpclient.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, creds)
	# Define the host and URL to call
	httpget = HttpGet(url)
	# Execute the request
	response = httpclient.execute(httpget)   
	# Handle the response
	content = BasicResponseHandler().handleResponse(response)
	contentType = ContentType.getOrDefault(response.getEntity()).getMimeType()
	# Return the result
	if 'json' in contentType.lower():
		return system.util.jsonDecode(content)
		return content

Results return fine in the Designer (script console). On the gateway, I get the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 33, in _httpGetNTLM
ImportError: No module named http
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