Yes, Ignition can already do the things you listed in your specs. There is no need for a customized version of Ignition,
just integration work to fit the needs of your client.
There is nothing wrong with any of those protocols. Z-Wave and Wifi to sensors and switches works well. For building automation systems, Modbus and BacNet are popular options. While I dislike Zigbee as a general protocol, none of those methods have "failed".
I am not going to threadjack that thread. First, you can not use JavaScript inside Ignition. Secondly, the MQTT Engine module from Cirrus Link already handles JSON payloads and creates tags from the structure accordingly. Iff you want to talk to MQTT servers, you need to use Cirrus Links' modules. They have the domain specific expertise, and the modules work very well.
My solution is using nodejs server in berween ignition and json payloads (from mr Alamsha!) . It will communicate with ignition on tcp/up socket using my gatewaycomm ignition module and json on the other end.
I always eagerly wait for your reply. You are a very good teacher and i have learnt certain subtle things in technology from you which is not very obvious. This is the reason, i believe that you know what you claim. Let's discuss the MQTT stuff in the above link. A hot topic is going on and i would like to know your answer. Thanks..
I have no problem with django if jython 2.5 supports it? Some scripting expert like Kevin McClusky or Phil or Kyle may be able to comment in that. I only need existing jyton server side library for my purpose of handling your json payloads.
Django 2.x supports Python 3.4+. Ignition is currently running on Jython 2.5.3. They are light years apart. It will get closer when Ignition moves to the 2.7 branch, but afaik, Jython will not be moving to 3.x any time soon.
This is the reason i chose Django as the ML engine for Ignition. All the heavy stuff i can do on Django and leave Ignition to do the normal SCADA stuff. Django+Ignition for ML stuff commands very high respect in the minds of big clients(especially IBM guys). SI's must look into this opportunity seriously.
I am trying to use ML for maintenance optimization aka predictive maintenance. One of the interesting challenge is, using tensor flow to predict possible Alarms in the next 72 hours by analysing the plant history of, say, past 3 yrs. Decision makers get excited about this possibility. They get hooked I haven’t picked up the tips and tricks of ML yet but certain correlation results i found in my experiment were quite shocking. Very good learning material is available on Youtube.
One thing for sure. ML and AI are the buzz word to make money with old data lying unused in the corner of a control room
AI and ML stuff as I said before is over rated and hyped in industrial automation world. But I guess analysis of past alarm data can certainly give some actionable insight for future by analysing outliers in present alarms from past data! Only question is which tools to use for training and for online? Will Watson work ? Is tensorflow the solution or other tools required?
Excellent idea. If you’re really trying to get those ‘’‘Decision makers’’’ riled up about your ‘’’’‘solution’’’’’ then it’s almost a necessity to implement blockchain in some fashion. When dealing with such costly errors, it is important to make sure your results are both replicated and validated.