Write to UDT property with tag change script

EDIT: This code now works. All i did was step away for a bit, ignition had to restart due to computer going to sleep. I have no idea why it wouldn't have worked in the first place. Any insight on this would be great.

I updated my code to mimic the parameter property change. Even this does not update the Root Node UDT definition itself.

I have looked at other posts going back to 2020 and haven't found any updates on scripts to update a UDT definition's root node per say. Some places are:

  1. Edit UDT Definition in script
  2. Scripted editing of UDT definitions - modifying alarm names - I was able to do this to the UDT definition members, yet the Root node I have not figured out a way to script any property/parameter changes

My new code, does the same thing as my previous post but in a different way. No matter if I use a custom made Dict or just the value of "test" the UDT does not seem to update the Root Node UDT definition.

	def updateTagParms(newParmsmap):
			"""Add new perameters to UDT definitions"""
			parms = {}
			for key in newParmsmap:
				parms[key] = {
				              "dataType": "String",
				              "value": ""
			return parms
	system.perspective.print("Proccess started")
	# Variables
    #  merge, modifying values that are specified in the definition, without impacting values that aren't defined in the definition. Use this when you want to apply a slight change to tags, without having to build a complete configuration object.
	collisionPolicy = "m"
	# Parameters to add: TODO: need to take oput spaces in entries to be sure there are no duplicate add ons.
	newParms = str(self.getSibling("ParmsToAdd").props.text).split(",")
	newParmsmap = map(str.strip, newParms)
	parms = updateTagParms(newParmsmap)
	#grab MAin Folder path to UDT Instances
	UDTDefinitionPath = self.getSibling("DefinitionPath").props.text

	UDTconfigs = system.tag.getConfiguration(UDTDefinitionPath, True)
	basePath = UDTconfigs[0]['path']
	# itterate through each UDT configs
	for udt in UDTconfigs[0]['tags']:
		# Make sure we are only getting teh UDT definition and not any Atomic tags
		if str(udt['tagType']) == "UdtType":
			# itterate through each element in teh dict to add to the UDT
			for key, value in parms.items():
				# updates teh current parameters
				udt['parameters'][key] = value

			# sends new ipdates to ignition to make teh changes in the  system 
			system.tag.configure(basePath, udt, collisionPolicy)
	system.perspective.print("Proccess Finished")

UPDATED CODE USING CHAT GPT - Also added the browse function this morning, this will allow use to start at a root folder and work our way down to a UDT definition or tagType = UdtType:

def runAction(self, event):
		system.perspective.print("Proccess started")
		# Variables
	    #  merge, modifying values that are specified in the definition, without impacting values that aren't defined in the definition. Use this when you want to apply a slight change to tags, without having to build a complete configuration object.
		collisionPolicy = "m"
		# Parameters to add: Strips all white space from entries and splits each entry into a list
		newParms = [param.strip() for param in str(self.getSibling("ParmsToAdd").props.text).split(",")]
		for element in newParms:
			for char in element:
				if ord(char) > 127:
					raise ValueError("ASCII chars are presents in parameters.")
		if newParms[0] == "":
		    raise ValueError("No parameters were provided.")
		# Creates a dict based off teh above list. Each Item in teh list is a key and teh value is "dataType": "String", "value": ""
		parms = {key: {"dataType": "String", "value": ""} for key in map(str.strip,newParms)}
		#grab MAin Folder path to UDT Instances
		UDTDefinitionPath = self.getSibling("DefinitionPath").props.text
		# need to use browse- Due to if we want to start at teh base folder and drill down this is where we need to start
		# If we start with teh dirct tag/folder we can start with getconfigs function instead
		UDTBrowse = system.tag.browse(UDTDefinitionPath, filter = {"tagType": "UdtType", "recursive":True})
		for udt in UDTBrowse:
			# grab the full path of teh UDT definition
			UDTPath = udt['fullPath']
			# we need to have the folder this UDT is in to update teh configs
			basePath = str(udt['fullPath']).replace("/"+ str(udt['name']), "")

			# we just need the configs of teh UDT definition and not the tags uinder them - So we use False as the recursion value. 
			UDTconfigs = system.tag.getConfiguration(UDTPath, False)

	#		# itterate through each UDT configs
			for udtConfig in UDTconfigs:#[0]['tags']:
				# Make sure we are only getting the UDT definition and not any Atomic tags
				if str(udtConfig['tagType']) == "UdtType":
					# itterate through each element in the dict to add to the UDT
					for key, value in parms.items():
						# updates teh current parameters
						udtConfig['parameters'][key] = value
					# sends new ipdates to ignition to make teh changes in the  system 
					system.tag.configure(basePath, udtConfig, collisionPolicy)

		system.perspective.print("Proccess Finished")
	except Exception as e:
		system.perspective.print("Process failed with error: " + str(e))