Writing data to a excel template

There are numerous examples on this forum showing how to perform custom operations with Excel files via the Apache POI libraries that are provided with Ignition:


Most of these topics perform one the two following general sequences:

  1. Read:
  • Upload a workbook (Perspective) or read a local workbook file (Vision), then
  • Extract desired information from the content of the workbook, and finally
  • Save the extracted data either in a database or in Ignition tags.
  1. Write:
  • Collect data from a database or a historian or from Ignition tags, then
  • Construct a workbook from scratch in some desired layout, and finally
  • Download the finished file (Perspective) or write the finished file locally (Vision).

Your task is slightly more complicated, as it is parts of both of the above:

  • Upload a workbook (Perspective) or read a local workbook file (Vision), then
  • Collect data from a database or a historian or from Ignition tags, and then
  • Access the "SPC" sheet of the workbook and insert the desired data, and finally
  • Download the finished file (Perspective) or write the finished file locally (Vision).

You will have to study the topics I linked, and possibly the Apache POI documentation.

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