2 clients viewing same screen with table, but both see change when 1 client changes view of table

1 screen with a table and dropdown selector
The dropdown as 8 selections, that will view different data in the table.

The issue is 2 clients viewing the same screen and 1 of the clients makes a selection from the dropdown, but client 2 screen changes also.
Why would this happen.
Thanks in advance!

I seems likely that the dropdown is bound to a gateway tag instead of a client tag. If that's the case then either client can change the tag and both tables will update. Can you check?

I've added the Vision tag to your post.

HI, there is no tag it changes how the query gets the data from the database

How is the data in the table bound?

If the drop down changes the query, where is the result from the query stored besides the table?

I use the 'SQL Query' binding and its the binding for the table.

Does Root Container.scanner have a binding?

yes, the selected string value of the pull down

Well, we can't see your project. I'll echo @Transistor that the most likely cause is that you're inadvertently, somewhere, binding to something "global" (like a tag) that's not independent to the two clients.

Chase down your flow of execution. You have the project in front of you, so it's going to be infinitely easier for you to troubleshoot than for us.

there literally are no tags on the screen, all that screen does is view a table in the database.
the only code is that pic of sql query tied to the table.
maybe make the query a named query?
Thanks for the help, though!

Are you quite sure that there is no tag binding on the dropdown?

Vision dd binding

100%, its just a list actually

100%, its just a list actually

I think you need to be more precise in your communications or the rest of us will give up in frustration. Who is this addressed to / whose question are you answering? (There's a reply button on each post which will mark it for that user.)

What is just a list? I asked about the Selected String Value property and that doesn't take a list.

Sorry I thought if you reply at the bottom all will see the answers.
There are no bindings on the dropdown.

I notice that your dropdown component is named "Scanner Dropdown" but your query is referencing {Root Container.scanner}. I'm surprised you're not getting an error.

In addition, when I try to replicate it (having named my dropdown as simply Scanner) I'm not allowed select Root Container.Scanner but have to specify one of the properties of that control such as {Root Container.Scanner.selectedStringValue}.

Property change script on the drop down?

its referencing the custom prop scanner, scanner gets its value when a selection is made from the dropdown.

no script, its just a list.

I think you should call into support and have them look over your shoulder. There has to be something that is tying the two clients together.

I think I will, I have never had a customer have this issue before.