7.3.3 scan class lost configuration while csv export/import


Example: set tags (scan class Leased)-> export to csv -> new project -> import form this csv: all scan class became Direct with slow scan rate 1000ms

Scan class parameters are not exported with tags, only the names of scan classes. You’ll need to recreate the scan classes manually before import.


Unfortunately gbuehler is right, and we’re aware of this oversight and hope to fix it soon.


It will be secure for my fingers :smiley: :smiley:

Is there a solution to this? Using V7.7.5 and issue still happens.


As far as I can recall and tell from this post, they were referring to the fact that tag exports don’t include all of the scan class details. This is still true, but there is now the ability to export and import the scan classes themselves from the scan class editor. Try that out and see if it handles your needs.
