7.6.3 Update problems

System: Debian Squeeze
Java :
java version “1.6.0_26”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)

Problem: After updating apt
deb archive.inductiveautomation.com/apt ignition non-free
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

And installing the latest ignition
apt-get install ignition

I can no longer access the gateway web server (
Resulting message…
HTTP Status 404 -
type Status report
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/6.0.36

I have checked all the xml files I could find. some had “^M” line endings which I fixed
(with perl -p -i -e ‘s/\r\n$/\n/g’ ) but nothing significant was wrong.
/usr/local/bin/ignition/tomcat/webapps/main/META- INF/maven/com.inductiveautomation.ignition/bootstrap/pom.xml

I have attached a minimized version of wrapper.log which shows some significant errors
but I do not know what to do with them.

Here is one…
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/09/06 16:45:16 | SLF4J: slf4j-api 1.6.x (or later) is incompatible with this binding.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/09/06 16:45:16 | SLF4J: Your binding is version 1.5.5 or earlier.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/09/06 16:45:16 | SLF4J: Upgrade your binding to version 1.6.x.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/09/06 16:45:16 | Sep 6, 2013 4:45:16 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext filterStart
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/09/06 16:45:16 | SEVERE: Exception starting filter WicketFilter
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/09/06 16:45:16 | java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.getSingleton()Lorg/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder;

And the other…
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/09/06 16:45:16 | Sep 6, 2013 4:45:16 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/09/06 16:45:16 | SEVERE: Error filterStart
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/09/06 16:45:16 | Sep 6, 2013 4:45:16 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/09/06 16:45:16 | SEVERE: Context [/main] startup failed due to previous errors

I would appreciate any help.

I found the problem. The wrapper file listed the following problem…

SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/local/bin/ignition/tomcat/webapps/main/WEB-INF/lib/slf4j-log4j.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/local/bin/ignition/tomcat/webapps/main/WEB-INF/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]

Then this…
SLF4J: slf4j-api 1.6.x (or later) is incompatible with this binding.
SLF4J: Your binding is version 1.5.5 or earlier.
SLF4J: Upgrade your binding to version 1.6.x.

I guessed one of them may be an old one overshadowing the updated version. I assumed since the message said I had 1.5.5 and that one of the files was log4j12-1.7.5 that the other file was the offending one.

I removed that file and restarted gateway and it is now functioning!

Thanks for the information. Glad you got it functioning. I will pass this information on to the developers.
