7.9.10 Upgrade - Scale Issues

I also still see this behavior in 8.1. I’m using anchored layout for all my components. The suggestions laid out in @jcoffman’s post above fix the issue for the most part, however you no longer need to apply the java argument to the shortcut file itself. Instead, you can edit the Vision client launch settings like this:


A side note is that this solution works both for windows scaling issues (e.g. monitor running at 150% scaling within Windows) and project upscaling (running a 1080p project on a 4k monitor). You’ll just need to find the resolution ratio between project/monitor and adjust the 1.0 accordingly. E.g. 1080p to 1440p = 1440/1080=1.3333, meaning your JVM argument would be -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1.3333. Now a 1080p anchored-layout project will properly display on a 100% scaled 1440p monitor.

There were some upscaling artifacts in my experiences, but nothing show-stopping.