Access Perspective icon library in CSS

I want to use the Perspective Icon library in my inline CSS code like the following CSS code:

cursor: url(/system/images/flash.svg), pointer

The above code needs icons to be loaded into image management which is inefficient when the graphic is already loaded in the icon library.
I know we can use a web dev endpoint to expose the icon, but doing so would add unnecessary cost to the project.
Do we have any workaround for this?
If not, I believe exposing the icon in Ignition Core for CSS is very useful.

I did something with the icon materials here:

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This word in browser URL and load icon but here in cursor it render as black box in runtime. Did you test it with cursor on your end?

In the post i said you'll need something to size it, im guessing you will need it for this too.

Yes, but I don't know how to add size in CSS

meh seems not to be that easy to add a size to the svg inside a cursor :confused:

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This seems very close, but i still dont seem to get it to work by adding a background css like in the dropdown inside the foreign svg div.i just get a black square that has the correct size...