I want to get access to the theme folder of perspective web dev, in a python endpoint.
What is the correct URL and syntax for that?
For example, the http://gatewayIP:8088/main/myfile.xxx give me access to the ignition webserver folder but there is no doc for the theme folder.
If you look around the forum for the IgnitionGateway method, you can use it to retrieve the SystemManager, which has a getDataDir() method - that method will give you the start of a tree, which you could walk down to get to the themes directory.
I also tried the other method that should be able to be used from a designer script console, but I get an error ImportError: cannot import name IgnitionGateway.
Yeah, that's what the error is telling me... Do I need to instantiate or call context somehow? This is literally a snip from a post in this thread, so I'm not too familiar with the context the OP was working in...
I'm looking to get the list of themes programmatically, just like there is a list in the designer. Is there a method that will retrieve the files and folders located at \themes, which I'll then check for extensions on?