Access the Perspective Carousel activePane after the activePane changes through the OnClick event

Hi and thank you for reading my question.

I have a dropdown list that holds a list of items that correspond to the panes-items in a carousel. When the user selects a new item in the dropdown, I navigate the carousel to the selected pane-item from the dropdown. That works fine. I wrote the script.

However, when the user clicks on one of the carousel's navigation arrows or selects one of the navigation buttons below the carousel, I'd like to update the selected item in the dropdown so the selected item in the dropdown corresponds to the newly selected activePane in the carousel.

I tried setting the dropdown to the activePane using the carousel's onClick event BUT the script returns the current activePane, rather than returning the newly selected activePane after the carousel advances.

How can I retrieve the new activePane AFTER the onClick event for the carousel completes?

Basically the real question is how and where can I gain access to the activePane after the carousel advances to the new pane that is selected by the user using the carousel's navigation options (arrows and buttons)?

Here is what I have thus far for the OnClick event. The OnClick event is probably not the answer but I posted it anyway.

carousel_value = self.props.activePane
self.getSibling("DropdownList").props.value = carousel_value

Have you tried using a propertyChange script on props.activePane ?

Hi. Thank you for the quick response. I have seen many responses from you on this forum. You seem to be the guru. I did not know that I could attach or even create a custom script called propertyChange to some components. I should spend more time in the user manual...and I will.

Thank you VERY much.

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