Access to bindable X and Y values on groups

It seems like you can only bind the X, Y values on groups made entirely of vector shapes… is there any way I can add a label to a group and still bind to the X and/or Y value?

Not in binding. However, through scripting you can use the:


functions to move containers with non-vector shapes.

[quote=“Travis.Cox”]Not in binding. However, through scripting you can use the:


functions to move containers with non-vector shapes.[/quote]

Yup, that’s what I ended up doing. It would be nice if the X and Y properties were exposed though.

Just for posterity:

# get component and x and y for later if you need it
theItem = event.source # or use the getComponent() function...
old_x = theItem.getX()
old_y = theItem.getY()

# do your operations
x = 123
y = 321

# call the move function
system.gui.moveComponent(theItem, x, y)