I have an event script triggered when 'button' is clicked. The script is suppose to assign a path to EmbeddedView which is in another folder. How can I go about this? The following doesn't seem to work: self.parent.parent.getSibling("Users_Management").getChild("Flex_View1").getChild("EmbeddedView").props.path = "Admin Folder/Flex_View2"
The script is suppose to assign a path to EmbeddedView which is in another folder.
If clicking the button also opens Flex_View1 then use parameters:
Create a parameter on Flex_View1, embeddedViewPath.
On the Embedded View component, create a Property Binding on props.path and set it to view.params.embeddedViewPath.
If not, (because the view is already open, for example) then consider using a session variable:
Create a session variable, embeddedViewPath.
Modify the script to update the session variable with the correct path.
On the Embedded View component, create a Property Binding on props.path and set it to session.custom.sessionViewPath.
If you are trying to build user management into your application then I highly recommend the Perspective User Management project available on Exchange below.