Accessing data in a table

I have the following data from a row in a perspective table. I am trying to access values such as 1956777 which is the idSchedDtl. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

: {u’style’: : {}, u’value’: : {u’Com’: 0.0, u’Cut’: u’0’, u’CartBin’: u’01-014’, u’GenericItemNo’: u’STILR0I’, u’ParentPart’: u’R36042’, u’OrderLineNo’: 1, u’OrderNo’: 1320452, u’Sequence’: u’550013’, u’ShortDescription’: u’ST 79-1/2X1-1/8X1.125 MDF ‘, u’FinalPart’: u’Stile’, u’Length’: u’79.5’, u’ItemNo’: u’05644’, u’idSchedDtl’: 1956777, u’LookupString’: u’120420sp55001305644’, u’QtyBuild’: 2.0}}

This may point you in the right direction.

	data = self.getSibling("Table")
	for row in data:
		# -or-