Accessing word tag bit

PLEASE PLEASE, give us a easy way to acces a bit from a word. Right now its very very cancerous having to go through getbit and other function. Why cant we just use tag.'bit number' WHY?????

by the way we cannot either address bit via OPC UA the way we use to. blablabla.tag.`bit number'. the blablabla.tag still work but as soon we add the .'bit number' it fail.

PLEASE FIX this is ridiculous!

What makes you think this is an Ignition problem?

Discussed a little bit starting here: How to use individual bit of a word tag - #8 by Etienne_Delage

It would be a little easier if Ignition supported a Tag Path syntax that allowed you to append .Bit to the end of an otherwise valid path, because then if e.g. you wanted a bit tag derived from an integer tag you would just need a reference tag and not a derived tag with getBit/setBit expressions.

The problem is .Whatever is already reserved syntax in a Tag Path for accessing tag properties. I do wonder if we could make it work by treating the bits as if they were dynamic properties or something... not really sure how messy it would get.

I made the jython wrappers for CIP integer/word types accept ._n where n is the bit number. The underscore to have an attribute name that didn't start with a digit--a requirement for jython. Possibly an approach you could use.

{Doesn't fix races when writing, though, unless a driver supports it.}

Bit syntax in Tag Paths would not only hide the race condition but also the race condition would always be possible even if the underlying server of the underlying OPC tag supported it. Not ideal.

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