Ack Alarms at the gatway level


I currently using my plc to ack alarm.
Most of my operator station do have a hardwire button for ack alarm.
I would like to remove the ack logic in my plc and let ignition deal with this.
I try this code in a gateway script to ack all alarm in a specific system like this
But this is not working.

Is there a way to do this?


Yes, you can but you need to do the following:system.alert.acknowledgeAlert("SQLTags.default"."*MyArea*","*")


If I display the system and the path on my Alert summary I get these value
system = SQLTags.FingerJoint

should I write this


because system.alert.acknowledgeAlert("SQLTags.default"."*MyArea*","*") doesn't work from a button test.

Yes, you should use SQLTags.FingerJoint. The default is SQLTags.default but if you create a different SQLTags realtime provider it will be a slightly different name.

is the second parameter to the function is the folder path under the Tags folder or the path enter in the alarm tab under the tag properties?


Hi Travis,

After multiple tried out I found that you cannot use the * in this function. The only way I way able to ack my alarm with this button was by specifying all 3 parameters.
Could it be a % instead of a *?


Ok, it looks like you can’t use a wildcard right now when acknowledging alerts. However, you can query the alert status first and then loop through them to acknowledge each individual alarm:ds = system.alert.queryAlertStatus(system="SQLTags.FingerJoint", path="*PRESSE*", activeAndUnacked=1, activeAndAcked=0, clearAndUnacked=0, clearAndAcked=0) ds = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(ds) for row in ds: system = row["System"] path = row["Path"] stateName = row["State Name"] system.alert.acknowledgeAlert(system, path, stateName)

Hi Travis,

Is it something for the version 7.4 coming up soon?


No, you can do it in 7.3.

Hi Travis,

I am 7.3 I think we need to do a webex because I feel that willl spend too many time on the forum.

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We have a gateway scoped function, system.alert.acknowledgeAlerts(), in the module posted in the following link