ActionAdapter Method

Hey I came across this amazig post Create Windows Vision from a script - Ignition - Inductive Automation Forum and through that had a look at the underlying xml files for the vision windows and I would like to learn more about it especially the ActionAdapter method (com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.binding.action.ActionAdapter) that seems to be used to assign the to the components.
Has anyone played around with this or knows how to use it from inside ignition? My java knowledge is sadly a bit lacking so I always have some problems when it comes to the deeper jython stuff but I would love to get a deeper understanding of how everything works under the hood.
Thank you

Here there be dragons.

This stuff is hard to follow and comprehend with access to the source code. Manually touching any of this is totally unsupported and prone to weird failure cases, where things will seemingly work until they don't.

I'd recommend staying away, for your own sanity :smile:



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Thanks for the reply. And yeah I noticed that already :smiley:
Nonethless I find it very helpful to have a rough understanding of how things work in the background. So if you could throw me a bone and give me a litte example of how to use this I would be extremly grateful. :smile: