Add delay In alarm

Hello Team,
We want to create digital alarm, which triggers when tag values turn into true more than 5 seconds.
If Tag values fluctuating to false within 5 sec, then alarm not triggered.

We have tried by adding property " active delay" 5 sec but it does not work.

Also, we want to set Email notification, if alarm condition valid more than 5 sec, to achive we added delay block in alarm pipeline but it does not work.

Help us to achieve requirement.

Setting the active delay time should do exactly what you have described: trigger an alarm only if the tag value is true for more than 5 seconds. You will need to be more specific about what you have tried and which part is not working. Did the alarm not trigger after 5 seconds? Did it trigger before 5 seconds elapsed?

With regards to the pipeline, which aspect of this is not working? Have you assigned your pipeline to your alarm? Have you configured your email notification profile?

Also, note that a delay block in a pipeline is a notification delay. If your alarm already has a 5 second delay configured on it, there will be a total time of 10 seconds between when the tag value becomes true and when the email is sent.


Hi @amy.thompson ,
We are facing issue with alarm tri

gger before delay time elapsed. I think in this case add delay block approach should be work. But still till will send email once tag value reached.
What is the issue can you tell us? (860.3 KB)

If the alarm is triggering before the alarm delay time is up then either you have a bug or there is an issue with your alarm configuration. You should resolve this rather than using a notification delay as a workaround - this will work for your emails but if you have any other alarm status monitoring or logging in your program you're going to see a ton of nuisance alarms from a bouncing boolean value. Can you show the alarm configuration on the tag?

Re your email notification, the notification block is in test mode. Change test mode to False.

Hi @amy.thompson ,
I have attached log files in previous response by setting test mode.
Let me know if anything needed

Yes, your log files show your block is in test mode. You will need to turn test mode off if you want to receive notification emails.

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Hi @amy.thompson,
Yes, I have modified it & I'm able to receive Email notification also, but as mentioned earlier we receive email before trigger 5 seconds elapsed this is the issue.
Can you help us to resolve issue. I have added configuration snapshoots.
To troubleshoot this do you need log files by turn test mode off?

How are you establishing that the email is being sent too soon? 5 seconds is not a long period of time. Do you have a timestamp of the alarm becoming active that you can compare to the time the email was sent?