Added custom property with JSON export/import - grayed out

I did a simple search and replace to add a Parameter to each UDT and then a custom property to each tag in the UDT with a binding to the Parameter.

Everything seems to work but I noticed that only the custom property I created manually in the GUI to then copy to other tags in the JSON file, is not grayed out.



Everything seem to be the same in the JSON file.

If I double click on the custom property and click ok on the popup it is no longer grey until I hit apply, then it's grey again.

If I delete it and then recreate it, it then looks normal.

When I look and the value of the tag instance in the tag browser it has the current value and I can change it and see it update. It just makes me wonder if I've corrupted the tags.

The grey italic font means it's a binding, black means it's a static value.

When you manually added the value to the json, did you write it as a binding or as a static string? (check what value the binding has and you'll see that it is an object, not simply a string value)

I have a script that auto converts static values that look like they should be bindings for this purpose exactly, so I can drag in a UDT from a plc from the device browser, extract to notepad++, find replace the opcitempaths with simple strings to make them dynamic, run through the script to convert anything to bindings if needed, and then import back

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It's odd as this morning all of them are now grey. Maybe there is an issue if the UDT is already there and you import the JSON adding a Parameter and then a binding to it?

I just added the parameter in the parameters section.

    "Project_Phase": {
      "dataType": "Integer",
      "value": 1

Then added the binding in the tags section.

      "Phase": {
        "bindType": "parameter",
        "binding": "{Project_Phase}"

If I manually add a new custom property (Phase2) and bind it to the same 'Project_Phase' parameter, its not grey. While the one added Friday to the same tag in the same UST is.