Adding Formatted Notes to ALARM

Under Alarm Configuration there is a Notes field. However, this field (unlike where I am now typing) doesn’t allow you to add bold or

line spaces

For each alarm in our system we have developed a Word document with a couple of paragraphs of actions and contacts for that alarm. How can I attach/copy/associate this data with an alarm?


I would not add this as associated data. Every time the alarm state changes, you would be storing all that text to your database. I would map the fully qualified alarm path to the word document, either through the use of extra tags, through the database, or by adding the document path to the Documentation property of the tag.

I am looking to replace the alarm package PicturePerfect from GE which has this feature built in. This feature is also implemented in AlarmWorx+ and I have been able to fudge it in iFix by using a VBA script which gets the selected row name from a click event on the alarm object and opening a html in an embedded browser and navigating to a hyperlink. This takes more work as you need to create a bookmark in the html document separately. Perhaps this is possible using Python scripting.

The ability to associate Help information for every Alarm is a required specification for the alarm package replacement, I was hoping the Note Fields could be used in a way similar to PicturePerfect and AlarmWorx+ and the Ignition package wouldn’t require custom coding to provide Help information for the Operator.

Bumping this. Would be really nice to at least set word wrap, or have a control character for line feed or HTML
be obeyed.

I'm retrofitting a machine that was done in Delphi 5 some 23 years ago, and the alarms had up to 6 lines of 'help' for the operator.