Adding multiple columns to a dataset

Has there ever been consideration to have “addColumns” added to the system.dataset API?

There is “addRow” and “addRows”.



I would argue that a variadic function that requires four or five arguments per call is an antipattern.
Yes, addRows exists, but it’s much more common to want to add multiple rows than multiple columns.

If you want to skip the intermediate datasets addColumn creates before you get to your final result, you could use DatasetBuilder to construct the entire dataset at once.



How do I define colTypes with DatasetBuilder?
I get an error as shown in the picture;

Leave off the .class. That is how java does it, but in jython, the imported class name is the class.

You will need something like this in your library script:

from java.lang import String, Boolean, Integer, Long
from java.util import Date