Adding new URL breaks old one

I'm using a url like "/line_overview/:resource", but if I add any other url like "/potato", it breaks my previous one.

By break I mean it doesn't load the view anymore, but returns this:

And if I remove this /potato url and save the project, the page loads normally.

Any ideas?

when you say break, you have a browser already open, and when you save the new url, the browser lose the view?

Can you reselect the view associated with each URL and retry.
(Edit: reselect, I mean select a wrong one, save, then retry with the right view)

"when you say break, you have a browser already open, and when you save the new url, the browser lose the view?" Exactly!

"Can you reselect the view associated with each URL and retry." It didn't work.

Is it working if you close, then open a brand new browser after?
Any errors or warnings in the logs?
Any navigate in the code that change the URL in the browser?