Adding Power Chart's property sections to runtime from editor

greetings friends,
I'm very new for ignition. I just trying to find a way that how can I show the property editor's parts of powerchart to chart settings in perspective runtime?
for instance : PROPS>timeAxis>tickCount>tick>label>format-------->directly Chart Settings

Perspective (capital 'P') doesn't have a runtime. It's not a compiled application.

You could create dropdowns, radio groups or checkboxes with the properties you want to set and use a Property Binding (bidirectional) to the chart properties to be controlled.

Dear Transistor(capital 'T'),
so I will bind a button with it I want to see. Is it only one way as I undersood?

You can create bi-directional bindings.

A button doesn't give you options. Dropdowns, radio groups and checkboxes do.
The bidirectional binding means that the dropdown, etc., will update if the property is changed elsewhere - either in Designer or in the Power Chart settings editor.

button was just an example for the components. a "time axis" could be a button for open a popup and it can fill inside with dropdowns,radio groups and so on.

OK, but you wouldn't bind the button to the properties. The button would have an event.

Your problem with the popup is that you will now be trying to control properties of a component on another view.

  1. You'll need to pass the current properties values into the popup as parameters so you can display the current values.
  2. When a selection is changed you'll have to use a Message Handler to send the values back to the original view. This will take some study and time.

A better option might be to have an expanding flex container on the main view with the controls in that.

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