I have a Vision App for collecting and visualizing data but I need to create a touch screen version (probably for a Surface Pro). Is there any general advice for creating a user form for a Smaller screen/Touch screen? I'm thinking larger buttons and text fields. I know Vision is not suited to a tablet but upgrading to Perspective is not an option at this moment. I basically have 2 questions:
A. Am I right in thinking Vision will work on a Surface Pro that has a full version of windows?
B. I'm wondering if there are specific pitfalls to be aware of. I intend to make the new form read from top to bottom with scrolling.
Many find that the normal scroll bar width is too narrow for a touchscreen. Within the designer, there are special settings for touch screen mode in the project properties under the general client settings. There, the default scroll bar width can be increased.
It means you'll be relying on Windows 11 and its ARM-to-x86 translation layer.
We do not have native Windows/ARM support for anything.
edit: or downloading/installing a JDK built for Windows/ARM yourself and then using the "legacy client launcher" batch script to manually launch a Vision Client.
I thought surface pros were Intel chips but could be wrong. We have some Dell ruggedized tablets and the catch we had was the display scaling was 200% due to the high resolution, so we had to use half resolution windows and large text to make sure it worked well with touch and the scaling.