After uninstalling ignition then can I get back my existing projects?

I am suffering with one issue , For some reasons , I have completely uninstall the ignition then when I again install it then not found any projects(I have connectivity of OPC-UA and create some projects in perspective and also in vision view , make some tag binding in my existing projects), also find some useful information in this (Restoring Projects) But
I don't have this folder at this location -> C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data_<uninstall_timestamp>
Only I found data folder and this file : "C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\db\config.idb"

So is it possible from my side to get back my all old projects ,that I have previously created,
If yes then how,
and If no then can I contact support team for get my my existing created projects??

If you don't have an uninstall backup, then your projects are gone, and there's nothing our support team can do.
You might get lucky and have OS level backups of the filesystem, but probably not.

To prevent this from becoming an unsolvable rubik's cube, start with support. It could be that you're overlooking something simple and obvious.

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Try searching your filesystem(s) for *.gwbk. Maybe someone had setup automatic backups or taken manual ones. If not, you should do it to protect future work: