I solved this issue and did not see it in the forms, unless I missed it, but wanted to make others aware just in case.
I was updating alarms and making sure I did not have any overrides that were not supposed to be there. (Old way was to update configs using all the configs, I have grown a bit)
That said I forgot to put the alarm name in the alarm build and several things happened:
- All the alarms disappeared and reappear randomly.
- You can not delete it from the designer
- Solve this by download the Json file and then manually deleting the no name alarms and importing it back
4 I get this error message:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
The code below is the set up, I added the tag name as need but the part I was missing will look like this
** alarm['name'] = alarmName **.
If missing the problem will occur again.
for browse in browseTags:
tagPath = browse['fullPath']
tagName = browse['name']
Topfolder = str(tagPath).rsplit("/",1)[0]
configs = system.tag.getConfiguration(tagPath, False)
# iterate through the UDTs
for config in configs:
# get alarms for current config
configAlarms = config.get('alarms',[])
# iterate through each alarm one by one
for configAlarm in configAlarms:
#varibale set up for SetpointA
alarmName = configAlarm.get('name',"")
setPointA = "[.]" + tagName + "." + alarmName + "_Setpoint"
setPointAValue = {"bindType": "Expression","value": setPointA}
# conditions if needed
if ("Float" in str(browse['dataType']) or "Int" in str(browse['dataType'])) and (str(browse['name']) != "DIGITAL" and str(browse['name']) != "ANALOG_VALUE" and alarmName != "OUT_OF_RANGE"):
alarm = {}
alarm['setpointA'] = setPointAValue
alarm['displayPath'] = displayPath
**alarm['name'] = alarmName**
tag = [{
# after all alarms have config chnages on the current path update them and move to the next tag path
system.tag.configure(Topfolder, tag, collisionPolicy)