Alarm/Alert - General Help

I’m trying to figure out a few things with alarming and not having much luck. With the project template I chose, I got something called an “Alarm Status” window, which contains an “Alert Summary” component (which I can’t find anywhere in the component palette). I can use that, or I can insert an “Alarm Status Table” component onto a window of my choosing.

Here are my problems.

  1. There doesn’t appear to be any way to show/hide columns in either component. Am I missing something?
  2. The Priority is listed as Diagnostic/Low/Medium/High/Critical in the Alarm Status Table, but is instead called a Severity (Low/Medium Low/Medium/Medium High/High) in the Alert Summary. What’s the difference and can I make the verbiage the same somehow?

Is there some general reference I should be looking at for this sort of question?

My understanding is that the Alert Summary is a legacy component that was used on previous versions and Ignition hasn’t updated their project templates. I would stay away from it, and use the Alarm Status table instead.

  1. To modify the columns (set width, move, hide or show) put the window in run mode in the designer. Then right click on the table header and a menu will appear with several options. You can also drag the position of columns around when in run mode.

2)The alarm priority of the alarm status table matches the priority of the alarm tags.

Thanks for the response. I stumbled into that solution a day or so later, but I’m glad the answer is here for others to see.