Alarm associated data filter with UDT tags

Good morning,

I have a UDT that has a boolean tag with an alarm enabled on it (MOTOR_FAULT). Ive created an associated data parameter called “Area” that I bound to a string expression tag (OPCName) which is just a toStr of the the OPCName UDT parameter.

When I try to filter based on this though, I get a blank return on the alarm status table. However, If I do the exact same associated data parameter on a non-UDT based tag and trigger the alarm it shows up.

Is there something with how I have the associated data parameter mapped that is causing this? I checked the UA video on vision associated data alarm filtering but cant see where I am messing up - when checking the console I get no errors in the script.

Filter script below:

def filterAlarm(self, alarmEvent):

	group = alarmEvent.get('Area')
	if group == 'Silo1':
		return True
	return False

What happens if you just point the Associated Data at the parameter instead of a tag that looks at the parameter?


Same results - I tried that initially and worried it was an issue of the associated data requiring a string to filter

Not sure what the issue is but we use this exact thing extensively and do not have the issue you are seeing.
What shows in the console if you print the group

def filterAlarm(self, alarmEvent):

	group = alarmEvent.get('Area')
    print group
	if group == 'Silo1':
		return True
	return False

I am doing the same. Trying to print on consol but it prints None though the parameter has value in it.