Alarm Binding dataset to Display Path in expression

I was wondering if it is possible to pass a dataset with strings to an alarm label expression and then point to a certain string with the parameter of that tag.
I was trying the following but that didn't work:
"AlarmTextlist" is the Textlist and "ValveNum" is the parameter.

You can't nest { } parameters.
Have a look at the expression language tag() function.

Use function tag like #lTransistor sayed.


To retrieve the contents of column 1, row[{value}] use the syntax,

I was trying this:

NUM = tag("[Test SCADA Ignition]Valve/Valve"+{ValveNum}+"/Stat/HmiFail/alarmText")

The whole tag(..... thing get the value of every specific tag I want. the only thing that is not working is that it is not filling that number that the function "tag" is getting into the function Lookup. This is probably some nested thing that isn't allowed? or am I wrong?

You're trying to write a program in an expression. You can't. Treat Ignition's expression language the same way you would treat an Excel function.

Judging by your deleted post, this is getting a bit complicated as you are running a script in a UDT. I just offer the following which may help you.

The binding should start by retrieving the valve number. The output of any binding is passed to any subsequent transform as {value}. You can then work on that.

// This expression transform requires that the valve number be passed in by {value}
// from a property binding or expression binding.
// Syntax:
// lookup(dataset, lookupValue, noMatchValue, [lookupColumn], [resultColumn])
	tag("[~]AlarmTextlist"),			// The dataset.
	tag("[Test SCADA Ignition]Valve/Valve" + {value} + "/Stat/HmiFail/alarmText"), // The lookup value.
	null,								// noMatchValue
	"Value",							// The name of the column to lookup.
	"Text"								// The name of the column holding the result.

As I said, you'll need to figure out the dataset and tag paths. Hopefully I've given you some pointers.

Expression language doesn't seem to be case-sensitive but I would still observe the manual's syntax and use lookup rather than Lookup.

Thank you so much!!! I have something I can work with now. Appreciate the time and effort!